Mordialloc Beaumaris Conservation League – Minutes – 6th August 1991

Mordialloc Creek

The League has received from the DVA a half yearly report on the water quality of creeks in the catchment area. The report does not show readings for heavy metals. We also have a report on the heavy metal content of samples taken from the island in Mordialloc creek. The DVA monitoring committee have completed a draft report on Mordialloc Creek. This is to be sent to the Minister for Conservation.

Parkdale Foreshore Erosion Control

Work has commenced on this section of the foreshore. Plans have been provided for comment. Work so far confirms our feeling that the use of sleepers with timber upright supports and planting with salt resistant vegetation would have been more successful as a means of erosion control. There is a strong possibility that the cliff face will be washed away in heavy storms as the beach offers no protection.

Mordialloc & Environs Development

Plans have been provided by Council for comment/objections from M-B.C.L. The toilet block/fish sales proposal was approved and Council has accepted the League’s suggestion that the colours for the playground equipment should blend with the environment. Blue, yellow and green have been chosen rather than black & purple!

Mordialloc Creek Park

Mordialloc City Engineer has responded favourably to the DVA’s offer of assistance to community groups to maintain e.g. the creek park . M-B.C.L. approached the Engineer who has asked the Parks and Gardens personnel to draw up plans for this area. The SGAP recommendations for the creek park were our preferred options for plantings.

Port Phillip Bay Marine Recreational Reserve

Mara has written to the press in support of Hon. Mal Sandon’s proposal to have Port Phillip Bay declared a Marine Recreational Reserve. This would involve stopping scallop dredging until an environmentally sound method can be developed which would not damage the bay floor and fish breeding grounds.

Lyndhurst Toxic Waste Site

Approval has been given for the disused sand quarry to become a toxic waste tip. The EPA has refused the dumping of some toxic chemicals. The Environment Defenders Office may take this case to the AAT since the EPA clearly does not have the resources to adequately monitor the type and quantity of chemicals which the generators may wish to dump.

Meet Closed: 10.30 P.M.

Mordialloc Beaumaris Conservation League Inc.

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