Parkdale / Mentone Forshore
League members Cr King, Pam Wilcock, Mary Rimington and Ron Pearson had an on-site inspection with the City Engineers and landscape architect of the foreshore area to be reclaimed. The outcome of the meeting was generally satisfactory although there is still some concern about grading the clifftops and the use of rocks instead of timber to prevent further erosion. How- ever Council has agreed to leave the grassed area as open space with low growing shrubs.
Braeside Melbourne Metropolitan Board of Works Park
A meeting is still to be arranged with M. Baker of the MMBW to discuss moving the freeway reservation to the western boundary of the Park.
Mordialloc Creek
Concern that the City of Mordialloc Health Surveyor is no longer taking samples of water: for analysis because of the cost to Council. EPA/DSWB test results are not freely available to the public through the Council minutes.
Letters have been received from the DVA and Springvale Council indicating support for establishing a wetlands on the northern bank of the creek upstream from the Boundary Road bridge.
MBCL Meetings
It was proposed to have bi-monthly meetings in order to cover matters requiring prompt attention. Meetings will now be in Feb, April, June, August, October, December.
Other Business
It was agreed to use the League’s discretion in supporting Helen Hinton’s work in providing a wildlife shelter.
Chris King will accept the Hon. R. Lawson’s invitation to speak on Community Radio.
Planning for the Mayor’s Community Day 25-3-91.
Next Meeting: Due to holiday (Easter) 9-4-91 Tuesday (instead of 2-4-91)