Mordialloc Beaumaris Conservation League – Minutes – 9th April 1991

Parkdale / Mentone Foreshore

Will there be any supervision or community involvement during the works on this section of the foreshore especially when grading of the cliffs takes place?
The question of the fences along the foreshore is a delicate issue which also require community consultation. A letter to the City Engineer may clarify these issues.
Any restoration work on the Mentone foreshore at Naples Road should ensure that elevated views to Port Phillip Bay are maintained, that the existing shelter be retained until proposed vegetation in Section 5 grows sufficiently to provide shelter. and that the ugly concrete steps be removed as soon as possible.

Mordialloc Creek / Beach Pollution

Concern expressed that regular reports on pollution levels are no longer available to the community since the EPA & MMBW have taken over the monitoring role of the creek water. League to write to the monitoring committee requesting information about the frequency of tests of creek water, and the availability of the results.


In answer to the DVA’s request for suggestions for the proposed development of the wetlands, write to support the concept and urge the planting of species of vegetation indigenous to the locality ie. Malelucas (Swamp paperbark)

Lyndhurst Toxic Waste Tip

Browning Ferris Industries have applied for a permit from Cranbourne Council to use the tip as a chemical waste dump. The League has lodged an objection on the grounds that the EPA does E not have the resources to adequately monitor the disposal of waste. The League was invited to inspect the proposed site.

Kiosk on Mordialloc Foreshore

The Department of Conservation and Environment is prepared to discuss Council’s proposal to demolish the existing kiosk on the foreshore and replace it with a “teahouse” style of development. This proposal will require constant monitoring to ensure that the building does not alienate public parkland and complies with the Guidelines for Buildings on Port Phillip Bay.

Port Phillip Conservation Council

R. Wilcock reported on the General Meeting of the PPCC. Concern at the proposal for a restaurant to be built at Schnapper Point, Mornington. The Greenhouse effect on low lying land around the Bay was also discussed.
S.Calvert-Smith has indicated that he is prepared to be a delegate to PPCC General Meetings since the League is allowed two delgates.

Mordialloc Beaumaris Conservation League Inc.

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