Submissions have been sent to:- City of Greater Dandenong C2 Amendment, Kingston’s Health Plan, Proposals for Edithvale Common, Objection to Vegetation Removal at the site of a retirement village Chelsea Heights, Copy of MBCL Linking People & Spaces in response to a request by the TCPA, Objection to the siting of a soil remediation facility in the DOIZ 25 metres from Dandenong Creek as proposed by the Hazardous Waste Consultative Committee.
MBCL Street Stall Sunday 17 March as part of Food and Music Carry-On
Significant Tree Register
Reminder that we have until May to register trees, grasses, shrubs that we may consider significant and wish to see protected for the enjoyment of future generations. Forms can be obtained from the Mentone office or libraries.
Soil Remediation Facilities
Two sites are proposed for soil remediation facilities both in the Dandenong Offensive Industrial Zone. The Cleanaway site would be only 25 metres from Dandenong Creek and thus has the potential to leach pollutants into the groundwater. There will be an opportunity to make submissions when possible sites are decided on by the HWCC.
It is important to nominate the Banksias and Monterey Cypresses in Groves Reserve on the significant tree register. Nina volunteered to do so.. Two new bird species were sighted in The Grange – male and female Satin Fly Catchers and Hard Head Ducks. The long awaited CD and booklet are now available for purchase. Melbourne Water have responded to concerns about weed infestation at Lake 3 Woodlands Industrial Estate. Epsom polishing pond has had a long term algae problem which Nina offered to monitor. Concern that exotic trees have been planted in the roads with roses at the base of the trees!! Drill’s Land friends group had a meeting on site 5th Feb. Also present were Tony Brindley to advise on establishing a peaty salt marsh wetland unique around Melbourne and likely to attract plovers and wading birds. Mike Carter, ‘Birds Australia’, supportive of the peaty marsh, David Digby, Kingston Parks & Reserves Team Leader, also supportive as is Ken Carney, AGRA who will formalise a Friends group. Jack Craw is a gorse expert who is keen to be involv Funding from the Bush Care Program ($12,000) will assist the project @ Drills Marsh??
Port Phillip Conservation Council
PPCC received a grant to buy two computers and a digital camera plus printers and a scanner. Forms have been filled to officially nominate Penny as MBCL’s second delegate to the committee.
Other Business
Penny reports that during the last severe storm sand had been washed away along the beach from Parkdale and Mentone.
Street trees planted along Nepean Hwy, Aspendale/Edithvale, have died possibly due to lack of watering by Council or residents who show no interest. Glenda advised to contact Geoffrey Goode, Beaumaris Conservation. This group has had success in street tree planting. Brian E. is doing valuable work improving the Carrum Carrum website. Shirley queried whether approval had been given for three storey development in Aspendale. Council refused to grant a permit but there could be an appeal. The group objecting to the siting of the Commonwealth Games village on Royal Park asked for support. Brian will E-mail suggesting the Docklands as the preferred site. Kingston council has asked volunteer groups if they can provide work for volunteers. MBCL would appreciate having someone to upgrade the web site.
Tragically, it appears that Mayfield will be demolished rather than retained as one of the few remaining buildings of historical significance in Kingston. The fact that no move was made to prevent the buildings deterioration by the former Mordialloc councillors is inexcusable. Perhaps by placing the magnificent Bunyah pines on the significant tree register they may be saved from destruction.
Parkdale Research
Glen’s research in Beaumaris Bay reveals a further decline in seagrass and continuing sedimentation of reefs and sea floor. Sediment washed off roads and building sites as well as dredging, spoil dumping and beach replenishment obliterate biota in the impacted areas. A total of 75,000 m3 of sediments (sand and mud) are removed annually from Werribee, Mordialloc and Patterson Rivers and boat harbours in the bay (St Kilda marina, Brighton and Sandringham yacht clubs). Ref: Marine Biological invasions of Port Phillip Bay. CSIRO Research 1999.