Dates to Remember:- Wednesday 6th November, Council Offices, Brindisi Street, Mentone, 7.00pm to 9.00pm. Council/ community process to address specific foreshore issues. Wednesday 13th November 9.15am -12-30pm St Kilda Town Hall “Metro Strategy-Housing our Future.”
Thursday 14th November 4.30pm-7.00pm Nauru House 80 Collins Street, “What Metro Strategy means for Young Planners”
All these meetings (there are more) have implications for the future of Mordialloc, Chelsea and Mentone all nominated activity centres with high density, high rise development. Please make sure you have your say to local planners and politicians if you don’t want your residential amenity destroyed by over development.
And don’t forget to add December 1st to your diary for the Annual Christmas Barbecue at Bonbeach Depot. Not to be missed!!
Coastal Planning & Management
MBCL was represented at a Coastal Planning & Management workshop at RMIT where once again successive speakers emphasised that the main threats to the coastline, especially Port Phillip Bay, are climate change, sea level rise and population pressure resulting from “sea change” decisions of people wanting to live on the coast. The proposed deepening of shipping channels in the Bay and Met Strategy, which targets bayside suburbs for high density, high rise development, will intensify the difficulty of managing and conserving the coastline for the enjoyment of everyone.
Kingston Foreshore Forum
Kingston Environment Officers and Team leaders are to be congratulated for organising two Forums dealing with the very different foreshore issues North and South of Mordialloc Creek. Both Forums were well attended with Noel Kesby, NSW Coastal Management expert, graphically emphasising the need for maintenance of the dune system through revegetation if coastal infrastructure and housing is to be protected from increased storm surges. Dr Eric Bird, author of ‘Coasts of Victoria’, explained the need to stabilise the cliffs North of Mordialloc Creek with revegetation programs to absorb groundwater seepage which is badly eroding the cliffs. Dr Bird was surprised that some residents wanted foreshore vegetation removed to improve ‘their’ views since vegetation acted as a wind break and prevented salt winds sand blasting properties along Beach Road. If the cliffs were planted with grass only, landslides would result. Increasing storm surges due to global warming and deepening of the shipping channels will intensify the impact of beach and cliff erosion.
The Agnew Report
Glen reports that Parks Victoria has introduced a policy of requiring a permit and payment for filming in parks especially if films or photos are to be used for publication. Permits are costly depending on requirements (eg. Parks staff assistance) or location. $55 per hour. How will this effect environment groups or individuals who photograph or video underwater locations for information and/or educational purposes? Glen advises that the Melbourne Water drain with jetty on the beach at Parkdale is, like the MW drain at Mentone, causing severe beach erosion on the southern side of the drain.
The Parks
Bradshaw Park had a spring planting session of Acacia, Manna Gums, sedges & grasses. The Friends group, with Tony and Fran from the NRA team, enjoyed a social dinner at Mentone Hotel. Drills Land. An inaugural weeding & planting was very successful with 40 volunteers attending. Weeds, grass and gorse was cleared in 1 metre circles because MW hadn’t sprayed. 100 trees and shrubs were planted. Cost of plants was covered by Greening Australia. Volunteers keen to become involved in further planting. Woodlands Industrial Estate Lake 3 was in need of maintenance and weed removal. A response from MW indicates that more care will be taken of this site in future. Monitoring will need to be ongoing it seems. Trees were destroyed in recent severe gales at Rowans Woodland, Planting at Braeside Park of eucalypts, casaurinas and grasses is continuing. We wish to advise that the baiting of rabbits in the Park reduced the numbers to 2.8 per spotlight km – not 28 rabbits per spot light km. (2.8 of a bunny ???). A well attended meeting of Linton Street group expressed anger at lack of Council consultation with the Friends group prior to proposing to sell off a section of the park for housing to finance the refurbishment of the St Kilda football club social premises and pokie venue.
Photopoint Monitoring
Thanks to MBCL members who have just completed the photopoint monitoring of the Mordialloc Creek Reserve and foreshore, from the creek to Mentone. Vegetation in the enclosure opposite Epsom Road doesn’t make much progress and, in fact, there appears to be a build up of sand onto the dune. Rain would help plant growth in this section.
Port Phillip Bay Channel Deepening
Just released the Assessment Guidelines for the Port Phillip Bay Channel Deepening Environment Effects Statement. Proponent: Victorian Channels Authority.
The Guidelines are very stringent as they need to be, for this controversial project which will raise issues such as an increase in tide levels if the Rip is deepened, therefore an impact on coastal infrastructure, and the problem of disposal of massive quantities of dredge spoil. Make a submission NOW!