Mordialloc Beaumaris Conservation League – Minutes – 7th August 2002

President’s Report:- The President in his Report thanked members for their contribution throughout the year. We, in turn, wish to express our appreciation for Brian’s support and assistance, at all times graciously given despite many competing demands on his time. Thank you, Brian.
Dates to Remember:- Spring Planting Day 8th September Drills Land 10am-12pm. Barbecue AFTER 800 plants bedded down and mulched!
KRAMMED AGM to be held at Parkdale Uniting Church 7.30pm 17th September. GUEST SPEAKER:- Nigel Kirby, President SOS. All welcome. Light refreshments
Dr Tim Flannery Thursday 19th September Melbourne Town Hall 5.00pm -6.45pm “The History of Melbourne’s Environment.” Light refreshments provided. RSVP

Mordialloc Structure Plan

A date for the public meeting to be held in Mordialloc has not yet been decided. Council possibly awaiting the outcome of the Metropolitan Strategy. Planners want an “information night only” rather than a robust discussion with the community airing grievances about this controversial consultant’s report. Fears that the Blue Boat Hire may be relocated to accommodate a restaurant on the site, on Crown Land, on the creek bank in the Hazel Pierce Reserve. Neither the Scullin Reserve or Attenborough Park is considered acceptable by MBCL as a site for a skateboard ramp. The former site at the Jack Grut Reserve would be ideal.

The Parks

The Grange has received funding from the Clayton South Village Committee and plans to print large posters featuring the parks indigenous vegetation. Stephen attended the Bradshaw Park meeting. Clematis has been planted on the White street fence to provide a screen. David Bainbridge, who did considerable work in the park, has provided a list of plants found there. Chicquita Park has been re-sold! Council seems more positive about retention of the park. Minister Garbutt, in response to our letter, is “happy to lend support to a Council application for funding from the Community Support Fund! She also feels that the “highest and best use should be as ongoing public open space! Drill’s Land. All systems go! A Spring Planting Day is planned for 8th September. Drills Land has been a real success story and fine example of community cooperation in the face of, at times, bureaucratic intransigence.

Guest Speaker – Tony Collins

Tony Collins, City of Kingston, Parks & Urban design, brought us up to date with the changed structure now that the Natural Bush Areas maintenance has returned in-house to Council rather than being contracted out. Tony firmly believes that it is important to maintain communication links with volunteer groups. MBCL will continue with the photo- monitoring programme for foreshore and creek reserves commencing again in October. A successful National Tree Day was organised with five sites along the foreshore. 4000 coastal grasses and shrubs were planted by 600 students and eight staff over two days. Three apprentices will work a six month rotation between NBA, gardening and golf courses. A part-time coordinator will be appointed to work with NBA and Local Laws on foreshore issues. Noel Kesby will be brought down from NSW again to speak to Village Committees about the importance of dune management for Kingston’s 13kms of vulnerable foreshore. The popular Christmas barbecue will be on again this year at the depot. A great opportunity to meet and thank the team of dedicated NBA folk.

Mordialloc Creek

Melbourne Water have at last agreed to re-vegetate the south bank of Mordialloc Creek between Wells Road Bridge and Chute street. Their interest then may extend onto Drill’s Land. Parks Victoria work at Chute Street boat ramp and at the pier have resulted in the destruction of vegetation at both sites. This will have to be restabilised-not easy especially at the pier where salt bush and tea-tree have struggled for years and were just beginning to provide shade and shelter. Sand dredged from the mouth of the creek is being pumped onto Aspendale North beach. Has the silt been tested for contaminants?

Consultation Consultation Consultation

The vexed question of consultation with and between council and environment groups has arisen again because of lack of communication about projects in which groups have an interest and can contribute because of experience and/or background knowledge acquired over years. The VLGA have begun a campaign on this very question advocating greater community involvement in local government decision making. As a result, KCC is inviting the Village Committees to a review of methods of consultation. While this is a step in the right direction it does not explain how environment groups will be involved. Experience on a Village Committee has shown that the ‘environment’ is not a high priority with members unless there is a conservationist on that Committee to present the issues. MBCL members thoughts on this question would be appreciated.

The Agnew Report

Glen is travelling north along the east coast and we are sure will have a fascinating report to present on his return!

Mordialloc Beaumaris Conservation League Inc.

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