Mordialloc Beaumaris Conservation League – Minutes – 6th November 2002

Dates to Remember:- Most Important December 4th at the Alan McLean Hall, Mordialloc 6.45pm Public Meeting to enable the local community to express their concerns about Kingston Council’s plans to impose four-storey high rise development in central Mordialloc thereby setting a precedent for further high rise development around so-called activity centres.
Very Special Meeting:- December 9 at 9am. Catherine Costello who is overseeing the management of the Herb-rich Grassy Wetland at Epsom for the ULC has offered to meet us on site to explain work in progress. The wetlands are at the southern end of the Epsom development.
KCEC Meeting December 17. Mordialloc Neighbourhood House Alabaster and Tony Collins.
All welcome. Guest speakers, Greg

Natural Resource Areas

Special Guest, NRA Team Leader, Tony Collins outlined NRA’s program for management of the foreshore & creek reserves and parks. Rowan Woodlands is considered the best NRA native vegetation area in Kingston. 16 November Friends of Bradshaw Park visited Langwarrin Flora and Fauna Reserve to hear Leon Costermans describe work in the Reserve. Following concern about builders rubbish at Epsom, Council’s By-law officers will check the 4 hectares of significant vegetation. NRA may take over management of the remnant wetland in 3-4 years time. Aspendale Edithvale Village Committee have endorsed the Master Plan for Drills Land. Second and third plantings took place in October and November resulting in 400 plants established. Due to resource constraints NRA can only offer tools and a water tanker at this stage to assist the volunteers but David Digby and Tony will determine resourcing and allocation of KCC funding for the ongoing project. Melbourne Water sprayed the area prior to plantings. Regret expressed at the loss of Doug Evans, Environment Officer who will become a Landcare Officer with CALP. The part time position of coast care coordinator is now in limbo.

Bradshaw Park

Recent weeding and spring planting of mainly grasses and low shrubs. Foxes are invading and digging dens despite baiting so funding for prevention fences may be sought.

Building Litter Etc.

Joan raised the issue of dust blowing into properties from Bonbeach development sites. Litter left by builders on Epsom is a serious problem and the responsib- ility of Council’s By-laws Officer. Kingston has introduced Local Law No5 (Amendment) Local Law Protecting Stormwater Quality from Building and Construction Sites (November 25 2002) GREEN WEDGES Mara volunteered to survey politicians re their support for retention of the green wedge. So far five responses have been received with one Liberal politician not in support.

Beach Road Shared Bike Path

Incredible as it may seem, in establishing a pedestrian crossing at Bay Street, Mordialloc, VicRoads have placed the pole in the middle of the shared pedestrian/bike path!! Phone calls have elicited the response that the pole must be so many centimetres from the curb!! So for the moment it remains a serious obstruction for path users.
Future Actions Our President has suggested MBCL consider organising forums on relevant issues for 2003. This could come about as a result of plans for an altered format for KCEC. What do members think?

Kingston Foreshore Workshops

Kingston Foreshore Workshops were held November 6 at Mentone. It was apparent from the vigorous discussion that there are still elements living along the foreshore that are not fully cognisant with the need to stabilise dunes and cliff face to prevent erosion and loss of infrastructure and this is despite presentations previously by experts in coastal management. (Refer attachment) Reference groups are to be established to work with NRA crews

Planning Victoria: The Met Strategy

MBCL was represented at one of the Sessions discussing Implications for Planning Schemes in the Metro Strategy. Jason Close, Manager of Strategic Planning, Glen Eira, outlined the seemingly insurmountable contradictions between the Bracks Governments claims that Melbourne 2030 will protect the character of established residential areas while at the same time targetting these areas as activity centres for high density development. He pointed out that stations and surrounding shops and houses were usually the heritage areas most valued by the community. Lester Townsend, Integrated Urban Management, was all for ‘as of right’ development for developers with the $10,000 levy waived to encourage develop- ment in older established middle ring suburbs such as Mordialloc. The planners present couldn’t provide answers to the problem of providing affordable housing in activity centres which are also the happy hunting ground for developers, nor could they suggest how housing for the elderly, frail or otherwise, could be provided in centres in close proximity to transport and health facilities – not enough profit for developers obviously.

Bonbeach Barbecue

The Natural Resources Team once again provided their Christmas barbecue for the Friends groups who work with them and once again it was an enjoyable occasion made more so by being able to wish Rob Jones all the best for his forthcoming marriage and bon voyage to Tim Scrutton on his voyage around OZ.

Mordialloc Beaumaris Conservation League Inc.

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