The Parks
The Grange has had a controlled burn and pine trees have been removed. The hyacinth orchid is in bloom. A silver leaf stringy bark is in blossom. The CD has beautiful photos of flowers in the Grange. There has been planting in Braeside Park where die-back has occurred. River Red Gum seedlings are growing well. Pitrones, next to the Rowan Woodlands, is to be re-zoned for a retirement village. Although this may result in the Woodlands acquiring more land, the site is in Kingston’s section of the Green Wedge. PPCC. We are awaiting notification that Penny has been accepted as MBCL’s second delegate to PPCC, Stephen being our original delegate.
Significant Tree Register
Important reminder that we have until May to register trees, grasses, shrubs that we consider significant and wish to see protected for the enjoyment of future generations. Forms may be obtained from Council offices.
Mordialloc Structure Plan
Please find enclosed a form to fill in and return to the address listed if you don’t want to see 4-storey development rearing its ugly head in the study area. The Plan is a regurgitation of the rejected Tract Study 1988 with minor modifications and caters primarily for the cafe latte crowd with an outbreak of kiosks and cafes around the Island and the creek. Please obtain a copy of the report and make a submission. Closing date May 31st.
Kingston Foreshore Landscape Guidelines
Launch of the study was to have taken place 12th March however certain elements south of the creek disapproved of proposals for stabilising the dune system (and incidentally protecting expensive foreshore properties) which had been under discussion for two years. The release of the report is in abeyance until further notice.
Vandalism of Foreshore Vegetation
A Banksia was vandalised opposite 42-46 Beach Road, Mentone. A large branch was sawn off to ‘enhance’ the views of townhouses opposite. Six she oaks were poisoned and have died opposite San Antonio Court. Photographs have been taken.
Vandalism of Vegetation Mordialloc Creek
Nina reports that the ‘jump/cubby’ kids are continuing to chop/break/crush the bush along the creek adjacent to the factories near Wells Road bridge. Tony has asked for a Friends of Mordialloc Creek to be established because the area is so difficult to maintain and improve. However Friends volunteers are already heavily committed on other projects. MBCL has raised this issue with Council officers and Cr van Klaveren and has suggested that the re-installation of the skateboard ramp upstream of Heatherton Drain (its former site) may provide a diversion from tea-tree wrecking. Unfortunately with the demise of sizeable back yards and loss of open space throughout Kingston there are few areas now available for unstructured, imaginative activities for young people.
Soil Remediation Facility, Ordish Road, Dandenong Offensive Industrial Zone
Brian and Mary were invited to meet Dr Peter Brotherton of the HWCC to discuss our opposition to the siting of a diesal contaminated soil remediation facility 25 metres from Dandenong Creek. There is the likelihood of pollutants leaching into Dandenong and Mordialloc Creeks. There is intense opposition to the siting from Dandenong residents.
Education Initiative
Penny and Anne met with Kingston’s CEO to seek support for the establishment of an environmental education committee. This initiative was well received. Dr Bill Hampel also met with the CEO to establish whether Council believes that KCEC, as peak environmental body, has a positive role to play in promoting environmental issues particularly when environmentally sensitive projects are under consideration. Members felt that conservation groups are considered by Council to be just another lobby group rather than as important contributors to the environmental protection and liveability of the residential areas, parks and foreshore.
Nina’s Report
Friends of Bradshaw Park had an enjoyable & interesting working bee 16/2 at Excell’s Bonbeach nursery sowing grass seed & cleaning indigenous seeds with new manager, Fran. Bradshaw Park ‘burn’ has been postponed to 2003 because water hydrant pressure is not enough. Drill’s Land. Tony will speak to the Committee in April about Natural Resource Area work. Epsom’s algae problem seems to have abated. Disappointing to find that ULC have planted exotics along the road verges – rose beds around each tree !!!