Pollution in Port Phillip Bay
Glen Agnew reported on the continuing sedimentation problems which affect the marine life in the Bay. There is increasing nutrient growth & decreased light levels well below the SSEP standards for Port Phillip Bay. The heavy rainfall this year has intensified the sedimentation problems, as has any development work upstream from the Mordialloc Creek estuary. Road works and building developments increase the sediment loads entering the Bay. It is also probable that increasing sedimentation has affected the Electroma Georgiana shells causing them to be washed up on Mordialloc beach in recent weeks. The putrid stench lasted for two or three weeks.
It was proposed that the League write to Vic Roads and the EPA informing them of the sedimentation problem and seeking advice on preventing this occurring so frequently.
Thanks to Glen for appearing at the AAT hearing on the Keys- borough wetlands. Glen has also spoken to local groups about his work.
Bradshaw Park
R. Pearson reported that a Friends of Bradshaw Park group was inaugurated two years ago. This Friends group was formalised recently with a committee being formed the minutes of which were circulated to all Mordialloc Councillors and Staff. Friends of Bradshaw Park have applied for funds under the Grants to Community Groups for Conservation & Environmental Projects 1992/93. Funding will be used for revegetating an area of the park. The application for funds was made by the MBCL(which is an incorporated body) on behalf of the FBP.
D. Bainbridge gave a report on the work carried out in the Park stressing the importance of protecting the indigenous plants not only in this location but also along the adjoining railway line and Mordialloc creek and foreshore.
Problems associated with work in the park include foxes which destroy wildlife, people who dump garden rubbish in the park and dogs which dig out plants on the foreshore. Maintenance within Bradshaw Park is time consuming leaving little time for more productive work.
Wetlands / Theme Fun Park Keysborough
J. Cuthbertson presented a report on the Administrative Appeals Tribunal hearing at which he represented MBCL and CRAG. MBCL is extremely grateful to Jack for the enormous amount of time and hard work which he devoted to this important issue. The report is included with these minutes.
Mordialloc Foreshore
There has been a Planning Permit Application to increase the floor space area of the kiosk/restaurant by 24.72m2 (or 8ft by 30ft) by enclosing the roofed portico. Discussions with the Town Planner revealed that this enclosure would not be an E addition to the envelope of land occupied by the now demolished changeroom and kiosk. MBCL agreed to this site being used as a kiosk/restaurant providing that the building occupied only the existing envelope of land.
Future Directions for MBCL
A number of important issues have arisen since the last meeting of the League. For example 6 reports have arrived since the last meeting, 4-8-92 and have submission dates in October & November. If the League is to function effectively there needs to be more frequent consultation with members. Consequently it was moved that MBCL has monthly meetings, the first of which will be on Wednesday 4th November. This meeting will concentrate on the DVA Waterways Advisory Committee’s Draft Report on Mordialloc Creek. The other significant report is Open Space 2000: Bay to Ranges in which Mordialloc Creek (or City) do not rate a mention.
Future meetings of the League will be held on the first Tuesday of each month (except for 4th Nov.)
Other Business
The “Coast and Creek” booklet will be available for perusal at our next meeting.
It was proposed to send a letter to the former Minister for Transport, Peter Spyker thanking him for his support on environmental matters.
The question of signs on Mordialloc North beach warning people not to swim on the north side of the pier after heavy rain needs to be pursued with the City Engineer. The EPA have stressed the importance of people being warned not to swim near drains or creek mouths for three days after heavy rain.
There are plans for development work on the creek bank between the road and rail bridges. More information is required on this matter.
Beach Park, Beaumaris is infested with weeds and does not compare favourably with the Sandringham section of the foreshore. There is an urgent need for an environmental assessment of this important section of Mordialloc foreshore. This may be a MBCL project for 1993.
Congratulations to Ron Pearson and Chris King for successfully encouraging Mordialloc Council to investigate the possibility of sharing an environmental officer with either the City of Chelsea or Sandringham.
Thanks to Glen Agnew who has agreed to be the League’s delegate to the PPCC general meetings. We trust that Glen will find the meetings fruitful.
Hope you can make it to our next meeting, which is Wednesday 4th November. All other monthly meetings will be on the first Tuesday of each month as per usual.