Parkdale Foreshore Erosion Control Work
The Parkdale Foreshore has been designated by the Port of Melbourne Authority under its Sand Renourishment Programme as an area for annual maintenance. However, severe storm erosion of one section of the cliffs will require an infill of rocks to prevent further erosion. The City Engineer is still seeking suitable sandstone rocks for this section of the Parkdale cliffs.
Mordialloc Foreshore Development / Kiosk / Landscaping
The restaurateur has demanded the replacement of the proposed timber decking terrace with a brick paved surface for the restaurant/kiosk. The League was contacted by the City Engineer about this matter. We responded as follows:-
“Whilst expressing – concern at further demands made to change the original plans for this structure, MBCL reluctantly accedes to the request to delete the plan for timber decking providing that the brick paved terrace is not suitable for load bearing external walls which could allow for incremental creep at a later date.”
Concern is also expressed at landscaping proposals for the grassed area in front of the Kiosk. These proposals include the removal of tea tree to provide an “all round view of the Bay” and landscaping around seating which could suggest that this section of foreshore belongs to the kiosk. The Council at its 24th August meeting reported that they had agreed to lease the grassed area west of the kiosk to the restaurateur. We have written to the DCE and PPCC about this issue. There was no consultation with the League or RPAC about this matter.
Mordialloc Creek / Horse Paddock Reef Pollution
Glen Agnew reported on his attendance at the General Meeting of the PPCC and his report to local groups about his research on the Horse Paddock Reef. Glen also alerted us to the environmental assessment for the purpose of re-development, of the 202 hectare Dandenong Springvale Sewage site. The study was carried out by Gutteridge Haskins Davies. Significant amounts of Dioxin and Furans were found at the site. This has implications for the state of the Creek and Bayside beaches when the sewage ponds overflow after heavy rain. MBCL has written to GHD asking for a copy of the report.
Wetlands / Theme Fun Park
J. Cuthbertson once again came to our rescue and sent a copy of the combined CRAG and MBCL submission to the DVA Monitoring Committee Draft Report on Mordialloc Creek.
Our AAT appeal against the theme/fun park proposal to fill an existing wetland to provide an 8500 space car park was lost. However 71 conditions have been included in the findings.
The EDO have a wilderness photographic exhibition which they would like to stage at a local venue to raise funds for their magnificent work. Any suggestions?
Other Business
The League has nominated Mr J. Cuthbertson for City of Chelsea’s Citizen of
the Year Awards because of his committment to the community, the arts and environment.