Bradshaw Park
Following the acceptance of the BIOSIS recommendations by Mordialloc Council, $30,000 has been provided for work in the Park. The Department of Conservation & Environment have given permission for a Land for Wildlife sign to be erected at this Heritage Award winning park.
Parkdale Cliffs
Erosion control work at the Parkdale Cliffs section of the foreshore has been completed although rocks have not yet been integrated into the cliff face as was originally planned.
Mordialloc Foreshore
The old kiosk building has been demolished and approval has been given for work to commence on the new structure. Plans for a shelter to replace the “birdcage”. have been forwarded to the League.
Disused light poles have still not been removed from the foreshore.
S. Calvert-Smith advises that SEC poles will eventually be re-located on the land side of Beach road.
The Nicholson shed is to be given the “treatment” and a lexan window placed in the rear wall. Residents would prefer to have the rear wall removed entirely to deter drinkers from lingering in the building.
Coast & Creek Booklet
A sub-committee spent time revising the text of the booklet which should be available in time for the October meeting of MBCL.
Theme Fun Park
It was disappointing to see the Mordialloc Council withdraw their objection to the theme fun park proposal, never-the-less the working party examining the wetland concept is proceeding with an alternative to the developer’s idea of a linear wetland. It is hoped the DVWAC plan will address all the concerns of the objectors & provide an effective means of removing sediment from the creek as well as improving the water quality.
Other Business
P. Wilcock wished to thank League members for their support at the time of Bob’s death. Pam also delighted members by bringing our former President, Dr Len Warren, to the meeting. Len was on business in Melbourne and wished to record what a pleasure it was to be present at the meeting. Conservation issues in Perth include development plans on the Swan River foreshore and environs.
Meeting closed: 10.30 pm