Bradshaw Park
R. Pearson reports that foxes are a problem in the park especially as DCE has presented a Land for Wildlife sign to Bradshaw Park. There are many native species growing on the railway land adjacent to the park. David Digby and David Bainbridge will ask the Met to take care when moving grass in this area. A Friends of Bradshaw Park Committee has been formed.
Parkdale Foreshore
Planting has commenced on the Parkdale Cliffs but the coconut fibre matting has been torn in places and the recent storms have undercut a part of the erosion control work in some sections. Rocks will be used to control erosion when suitable material is found to blend with the sandstone rocks.
Mordialloc Foreshore
The kiosk/restaurant development and shelter to replace the “birdcage” are proceeding. A standing shower is planned for the area near the toilet block.
Wetlands Keysborough
After three meetings with Springvale Council and the developer, Peter Crawford, the objectors intend to take this matter to the AAT. The land offered for a functional wetland was insufficient to remove pollution and sediment entering Mordialloc Creek. The 8500 space car park run off will add significantly to the pollution affecting the creek and Bayside beaches. Objectors including the League, are fortunate in having an EDO solicitor assisting in preparing for the AAT appeal and in having Mr J. Cuthbertson presenting the environmentalists case.
Coast & Creek Booklet
The booklet is at the printers… last!!!
Future Directions
Could we give some thought as to where the League should be heading particularly as conservationists are likely to become an endangered species in the near future (after Oct. 3rd). Let’s have your ideas on the 6th October!!!