Mordialloc Beaumaris Conservation League – Minutes – 3rd April 2013

Beaumaris Cliff Fossil Site

Great news! MBCL’s application requesting that the Beaumaris Fossil Cliffs and Sea Ledge be listed on the National Heritage List has been accepted. Special thanks to Mark Dreyfus QC MP, for assisting our application by appealing to Tony Burke MP., Minister for Sustainability and Environment for his support. Thanks also to Prof. Tim Flannery and Dr Eric Fitzgerald who supported the MBCL application. Dr Fitzgerald has been undertaking research work at Beaumaris. He informed Judy that a Coasts program similar to that seen on SBS, has been filmed at Beaumaris and will be shown at the end of the year. Judy presented the nomination document at the April PPCC meeting and received acclamation from all- including G. Goode no less! Dr. Fitzgerald will be guest speaker at the May meeting of KCEC at Mordialloc Neighbourhood House.

Port Phillip Conservation Council

Port Phillip Conservation Council meeting held 15th April, discussed City of Kingston bicycle road extension and connection to the Bayside back of kerb- bike- track; City of Kingston’s failure to provide a local Koori Gathering Place in the spare room of the former Parkdale Lifesaving Club- instead offering the lease to the existing café (not a coastal dependent use) ;jet ski nuisance issues throughout the Bay, coastal erosion issues e.g. Portsea has lost its beach replaced by a high sandbag wall; Rosebud is also losing its beach. POMC is refusing to acknowledge that dredging is responsible for coastal erosion.


Banksias on Bonbeach foreshore are again under threat from residents claiming loss of property value because of loss of view through naturally regenerating remnants from the pre-European Banksia forest which once stretched from Carrum to Mordialloc.

Mordialloc Creek

Mordialloc Creek was in the news recently with an Age report by Tom Arup “Waterside living to come at rising cost.” Funding by local, state and federal governments reported on the increased impact of flooding, storms and high tides due to climate change in five areas around Southbank, Elwood Canal, Rosebud, the Mordialloc Creek and North Melbourne. Specific sites facing increased threat from severe storms including the Nepean Highway, Mordialloc College and Rosebud foreshore. While new modelling finds that multimillion-dollar action should be considered to limit impacts the report also finds that there “will still be rising economic benefits to residents and businesses from being located in the areas studied outweighing any extra flood costs and ruling out the need for wide scale relocation!” What about insurance? Insurance companies are already warning of increased costs of insurance or refusing to insure premises if located in flood prone areas.

Plains Grassy Wetlands Mordialloc Creek

Melbourne Waters plans to create a wetland along the north bank of Mordialloc Creek above Wells Road bridge has been deferred for financial reasons . This may also permit consideration to incorporate the 6has of remnant vegetation into the wetland when work commences.

Dingley Bypass

Dingley Westall Overpass was approved by both Dandenong and Kingston Councils with one of the three options for construction of the connection , a flyover (road raised on stilts), considered too expensive since part of Westall road would also have to be raised. Tunnelling and compulsory acquisition of 26 houses were not acceptable according to VicRoads. Four ECVs will be affected by road works, and though considered significant remnants by both consulting ecologists, their recommendation was offsets. However removal and replanting destroys the value of this species as a significant remnant.

Green Wedge Action Plan

MBCL/KCEC attended a group presentation to air their views on Kingston Council’s Green Wedge recommendations. Barry Ross presented an excellent submission also. Unfortunately it remains to be seen whether Planning Minister Guy will over rule council’s action plans and allow hotels, school, churches, 40 hectare hobby farms, nursing homes, etc. in green wedges.

Bradshaw Reserve Friends

Friends of Bradshaw Reserve engaged the help of some Sandringham College students to paint panels for the fence and shed wall to advertise the existence of the park. A pleasant launch and afternoon tea was held April 13. Letters found amongst MBCL archives are a reminder that Mordialloc Council, three decades ago, was considering selling Bradshaw Park for residential development. it was at that time a tea-tree forest. Society for Growing Australian Plants and MBCL members engaged Ms Grace Fraser to advise on management of the park featuring locally indigenous vegetation. Fortunately the council accepted Ms Frasers’s advise and the park is today one of Kingston’s most valuable Natural Resource Areas. The early documentation referred to has been handed over for the Reserve files.

Environmental Victoria

Environment Victoria’S campaign powers ahead with a successful letter box delivery organised efficiently by Bronwen amd Mick. So far EV has had two street stalls, a barbecue and letterboxing in Mordialloc with more to come in May. The idea is to alert the public to the threats to Victoria’s environment as a result of the Napthine Government’s walking away from sound environmental policy put in place by the previous Labor Government. Mining in the Wombat Box forest near Bendigo, cutting forest protection for endangered species, mass industrialisation of Westernport Bay – a Ramsar listed site -and most serious, silencing environmental voices by removing funding and raising fees for residents seeking to object to inappropriate development in their parks or residential areas.

Gazania Removal

The working bee to remove gazania’s from Mordialloc beach alongside the promenade wall will take place Saturday 27 April. It is proposed to meet with the Lion’s Club at the corner of Bay Street and Beach Road at 10 am. The Lion’s work on the foreshore on Saturday between 10am and 12 pm once a month.

Mordialloc Beaumaris Conservation League Inc.

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