Environment Victoria
Environment Victoria organised a street stall and door knocking in Mordialloc recently as part of their campaign opposing the Napthine Government’s plan to open up national parks to commercial tourism by putting out to tender development of hotel accommodation in parks. Environment Victoria is also appealing urgently for funds to oppose the State Government’s plan for a massive brown export coal industry with Shanghai Electric Group. Under threat the 90 Mile Beach, Strezlecki Ranges, Gippsland Lakes and Corner Inlet to become a major port for coal exports.
Coastal Management Review
A draft copy of this document has been released for council consideration and will be open for further community consultation after Councillors have had a chance to review the document. A brief reading of the CMP as Council’s Agenda Item No: 9.7 suggests that the reviewers have addressed a range of environmental issues such as climate change, coastal erosion, storm surges, storm water drainage and the health of the bay and that the CMP should endeavour to enhance the foreshores natural ecosystem. Pruning foreshore vegetation to provide views as requested by BRIKA has been rejected as not conforming to DSE policy for coastal areas of Port Phillip Bay.