Concrete Crusher Application.
Delta have lodged another application for a Materials Recycling Facility in conjunction with a Transfer Station. The Minister refused Delta’s application for a similar facility on the recommendation of a planning panel in 2005. Silica dust from the existing concrete crushing plant, also location on Kingston / Heatherton Road, has already forced a market gardening business, supplying local supermarkets, to close because of dust falling on vegetables. Silica dust can result in silicosis forming. Water is of the utmost importance in the concrete crushing process as a means of suppressing dust emissions. A second concrete crusher, if approved, operating in the same locality, will increase the demand for water supplied by natural run=off, water from disused quarries acting as dams, groundwater and mains water supply during dry periods. The Dandenong Offensive Industrial Zone (now INZ2) was designed to accommodate offensive polluting industries such as concrete crushers. Kingston’s Green Wedge is not an appropriate location for polluting industries harmful to the environment.
Draft Victorian Coastal Strategy
is now available for comment with submissions due 5pm 4th example, page 53, “Coastal Crown land reserves provide important public space. They are owned by all Victorian’s, and they provide for access and use by the community. However the coastal public estate is limited in size and it facilities and infrastructure to meet peak demand can impact on important social and environmental values that attract people there in the first place.”
Climate Change.
The debate about climate change at present has results in some delicious letters in the Age sending up Greg Hunt and Abbott. They haven’t realised that the public is way ahead of them and are anxious for some action to curb greenhouse emissions. Furthermore people had accepted the carbon price because it had a negligible effect on the cost of living. Peter Martin writing in the Age asks, “Why cut a nearly undetectable tax?” (Age 21, October 2013.) “If political positions weren’t so entrenched Abbott and Hunt could just leave the tax in place. It’s causing minimal damage, its kicking goals (pre capita household electricity and gas consumption is down 3 per cent) and it’s and old tax. Google “old tax” and “good tax” and see what you find.”