Mordialloc Beaumaris Conservation League – Minutes – 6th March 2013

Beaumaris Cliff Fossil Site

Thanks to the hard work of Judy and Mara MBCL’s nomination for the reinstatement of the internationally renowned cliffs on the National Estate Register has been forwarded to Canberra. Judy was able to gather support from Tim Flannery and the curator of Melbourne Museum who is undertaking further research work so that even more important finds may emerge from the site.

Melbourne Let’s Talk About The Future (Metropolitan Planning Strategy)

A successful meeting was held at Cheltenham March 13 where attendees were able to express their concerns about changes to residential zones intended to increase density in middle ring suburbs such as Kingston. This is already happening with a three storey development (24 units) approved for Barkly Street . Meanwhile at

44 First Avenue Chelsea Heights

A developer wants to build 24 houses on LSIO acid sulfate land close to RAMSAR listed wetlands and bird sanctuary. Nina attended the three day VCAT hearing. Because Mentone Shopping Precinct doesn’t have a structure plan to protect it it is threatened with up to 7 storey developments in the strip.

Important Green Wedge Community Group Representatives Group Meeting

Thursday   4th April 3-4 pm for MBCL, KCEC and Earthcare submitters to present their views of Kingston Council’s adopted plans for the Green Wedge. There is concern because the State Government has weakened planning policy for the area so that schools, churches, low density housing, hotels, hobby farming will be permitted unless council has a firm policy to protect the Green Wedge for the preferred   options expressed by people who attended community consultation meetings e.g open space.

Mordialloc Creek Advisory Committee

Wal reported on the Advisory Creek meeting to discuss issues still to be dealt with following the completion of the creek dredging program. Finding suitable moorings for all boats in the creek is now a problem with some to be moored vertical to the bank and some parallel. Owners of big boats are under pressure from council to move them.Blocks of concrete left under water after stabilising the island’s banks are in urgent need of removal. A request was made for Banksias as shade trees to be planted on the Hazel Pierce Reserve. There is insufficient shade for people picnicking on the Reserve on hot summer days.

The Collins Report

Wells Road., Chelsea Heights. Completion of the first stage revegetation is programmed for Autumn with section between Thames promenade and Mordialloc Creek as part of Stage 2, looking at additional sites where grasses can be sprayed, linking the vegetation , providing understorey revegetation. Further tree planting considered in open grass nature strips.

Edithvale Recreation Reserve drainage works have been completed on 3 soccer and baseball grounds. Improved drainage in Fraser Avenue could include stormwater harvesting and use.

Heatherton Recreation Reserve Project to install an irrigation system that will capture treated storm water collected from adjoining drain and used on a sporting oval and for street tree watering.

Watering due to recent dry conditions resulted in need to increase watering of various streets and gardens and extra resources in terms of staff and allocation of water trucked from Namatjira to Chelsea & Mordialloc. Open space mowing tendered out and considering using ‘green’ equipment using biofuels.

Clean up Australia Day March 3rd. Council sites were the Foreshore and Mordialloc Creek. Approx. 80 volunteers attended and collected 100 bags of rubbish as well as tables, chairs, stereos. A commendable outcome for the month.! Particularly pleasing to note the use of storm water from Heatherton ? Drain for ovals and street watering.

Coast Banksia Blitz

The blitz is on again with a resident at Bonbeach complaining about loss of views due to salt bush and tea-trees on the other side of his fence which, fortunately for him, is stabilising the dunes and thereby protecting residential areas from the impact of storm surges. Retention of vegetation along the foreshore has an important function not often mentioned. It is to establish a natural look and feel of foreshore and retain and enhance a sense of separation from the nearby residential areas. The vegetation then is important in that people enjoying a day at the beach are shielded from the sigh of cars, traffic, large houses and buildings.

Mentone Coastal Precinct Project

The survey for this project on foreshore Crown land would have become known to a very few Beach Road residents had a sign not been spotted hidden away amongst vegetation on the foreshore. The leisure project proposed for the narrow, fragile strip of foreshore at Mentone between Naples Road and Mundy Street should be widely advertised lest the few people letter boxed living along this short section of Beach Road feel that this is their private preserve. Kingston foreshore is a state-owned asset and the City of Kingston is obligated to protect it and manage it on behalf of all Victorians.

Biodiversity and Climate Change Meeting.

A presentation by Dr Yugovish alerted us to the important, once again, of the section of foreshore between the Mentone Hotel and Naples Road because of the remnant indigenous species plants once common in this small section of sandy heathland. Because of the mature tea-trees, Banksias and informal sandy track it is highly valued by residents who like to walk there. Now that the threat of bike track on the cliff top has been averted in favour of a back of kerb track, the problem arises of how the B-o-K track can be built without harming this special piece of foreshore. Clever engineers probably have the answer to this problem especially as the VicRoads has offered to narrow a Beach Road lane where there is significant vegetation.

Marine Science Centre 

The Marine Science Centre is being mooted for Rickett’s Point at Beaumaris Yacht Club. It would be known as the Marine Environment Science and Community Centre. A key focus would be marine research at university levels. Fortunately there are no plans to expand the footprint of the yacht club building and a new design would take into account the threat of sea level rises.

Gazania Removal

Nina has organised a working bee with the Lions club to deal with a clump of this plant on the beach side of the promenade wall near the Lifesaving Club. Council staff will provide tools. Approx 10 people showed an interest in being involved at EV barbecue on Saturday 23rd March. The Lion’s Working Bee will be meeting at the corner of Bay Street and Beach Road 27 April between 10-12pm. Ring Nina for further info

Mordialloc Beaumaris Conservation League Inc.

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