Mordialloc Beaumaris Conservation League – Minutes – 9th July 2008

As the Year Closes

Thanks are sincerely offered once gain to that gallant band of MBCL members with whom time has been properly spent volunteering in a diverse range of parks, reserves, foreshore and creek frontages. The results can now be seen in this little world, this demi-paradise,as the trees and plants reach maturity thanks to the happy few, the band of brothers (and sisters) who have done the state some service, thanks to their dedication. (Apologies to Shakespeare)

Forthcoming Events

Melbourne Water publication Creek Connections lists a number of & workshop opportunites throughout August, September and October. Of interest are the Waterwatch Training workshops available. Now that MBCL has commenced monthly water quality monitoring others may like to join the Waterwatch training course.

The Environment Defenders Office is offering VCAT Planning & Environment Appeals training for community & environment groups. The workshop format would consist oprogram presented by EDO lawyers with a maximum of 15 to 20 participants.

Mark Dreyfus, Fed. Member for Isaacs, has forwarded copies of the Climate Change & Environment Budget Overviews for 2008-09. Grants are being offered to community projects in six areas of national priority for the Caring for our Country program. Any suggestions?

An invitation has arrived for the 2008 Port Phillip & Westernport Landcare Awards & Celebration Saturday September 6th, 9.30am ZINC Federation Square Melway Ref 1B,Q11.

Please RSVP to the PPWCMA by August 29.

Waterwatch Program

Judy presented a report on the 2nd July Mordialloc Creek water quality monitoring program. Present were Melanie, Waterwatch, Brian Earl, Judy and Mary. All tests except phosphorus were normal. Uncertain why the reading for P was so high. There had been heavy rainfall and high wind so that the water in the Mordialloc Main Drain was actually flowing up stream beyond the testing point. Thus P from Dunlops Drain, which flows into the creek below the testing point, may have travelled upstream on a high tide.Next test due 6th August.

Bowen Road

Bown Road construction has commenced. This road will connect Waterways residential estate with Wells Road and Governor Road. It should also provide a connection for a bike path to be constructed on the south levee bank of the creek thereby enabling cyclists to ride off road from Mordialloc to Braeside Park through Waterways.

Yammerbook Nature Reserve

Official opening 5th July,2008. Aboriginal heritage and custody of the land was recognized with acknowledgement that Yammerbook was the Aboriginal name of Jimmy Dunbar, the last full-blooded male of the Bunurong people. Nina, who was instrumental in researching the history and naming of the Melbourne Water land, spoke at the official opening. Steve Compton, a member of the Bunurong Land Council in attendance, suggested that Yammerbook may have been buried at Attenborough Park- making this park a rather special place.

Concrete Crusher Panel Hearing

Brian gave a report on the Panel Hearing into Alec Fraser’s second attempt to site a concrete crusher in Kingston’s green wedge on Kingston Road, Clarinda.While the panel’s report hasn’t been released as yet , Kingston Council, 29th July, approved the re-zoning of the northern section of the Green Wedge to allow for future waste recycling and industrial activities in the area if Government approval is given for the re-zoning

Tradewinds Lane, Carrum

The Ward councillor sought to have this little floodway park rezoned so that part of it could be sold for housing thereby providing funds to provide a library in Carrum. However residents objected strongly since the park is used by residents and as a walkway for students to Patterson River College. Fortunately the move was defeated in Council.The park remains, with the CEO recommending that funds for the library be sourced elsewhere.

Cycling and Walking Track

Wal prepared a plan for a bike track along the south levee bank of Mordialloc Creek connecting to Braeside Park and eventually over Springvale Road to link up with the Dandenong/Patterson River trail.

Your Water Your Say

Wal gave a detailed report on the problems with the desalination plant at Wonthaggi. There are underground mining shafts containing methane under the site. Will there be an explosion? There is black coal under the proposed plant.The plant may last only 20 years because of corrosion caused by salt. Pipes and pylons will traverse farming property and the lovely Strezlecki Ranges

Screens on Mordialloc Foreshore

Screens were to be erected on Mordialloc foreshore at the spot where trees were vandalised in January.The screens have yet to appear. It seems that certain councillors are still reluctant to approve anything which they think may block residents view of the beach. The same councillors are still opposed to trees growing taller than two metres being planted on the foreshore for the same reason, so no trees will be planted north of Harding Avenue, Bonbeach This area was, pre-European settlement, a Banksia woodland. Fortunately there is a regenerating Banksia woodland north of Patterson River as far north as Harding Avenue.A Kingston Coastal Management report is to be released during August for public comment until September. Do try to get a copy and respond if you are concerned at the approach being taken towards Kingston council’s foreshore management in contrast to the neighbouring councils of Bayside and Frankston.

530-540 Main Street, Mordialloc

After five meetings about the proposed Aldi supermarket, shops and units the developer is going to VCAT. The main issue is the fact there is only one entry/exit point into Epsom Road thereby causing traffic problems for residents.

Mordialloc Beaumaris Conservation League Inc.

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