This has been the year of Melbourne 2030 the State government’s attempt to sort out land planning for Melbourne and beyond. We and other like-minded groups made submissions for our ideas to be incorporated in the final document. Most pleasing was to see that some protection has been given to the green wedges by the creation of the Urban Growth Boundary (UGB) limiting incursions by the developers. Not so pleasing were the provisions for the built areas of Melbourne. The idea of activity centres has limited appeal and we do understand that if the population is to grow as predicted in Melbourne 2030 some increase in urban housing density is needed. However more thought needs to be given as to how to increase densities and where. Certainly we have become quite nervous about intentions in and around Mordialloc with submissions for 5-storey development on the old police station site in the offing. Again we give thanks and our admiration to Janelle House and to KRAMMED for the work being done to combat some of the more offensive features of the legislation. Nauru House and 55 King Street are still familiar addresses.
Importantly we contributed to the Mordialloc Structure Plan and through the efforts of Nina and Brian Earl alerted Council and councillors that we want more community consultation. This has happened but sadly the consultation often comes after decisions have been made not before so we are put in the position of having to oppose rather than cooperate. Submissions were made to Council about changes to Attenborough Park and Scullin Reserve – successfully we hope but another example of chasing a bolting horse.
During the year consultation and reporting on foreshore activities continued and we were fortunate to hear from two experts on Foreshore Management Mr Noel Kesby and Dr Eric Bird.
We have joined with the Friends of Chicquita Park in their struggle to save the park. As we see it the villains in this case are the Federal Government in selling the land in the first place. Hearings before a panel will take place in August and September this
Members like Mara Hayler and Brian Earl stood for council in March and
unfortunately or fortunately were not elected but did the necessary job of alerting the public to important issues in the community. Rosemary West was successful in being elected so with Topsy Petchey we feel we have at leat two good friends on the new Kingston Council.
Mentioning names is a tricky business as it too easy to overlook good efforts but I know all members will support me in fact expect me to once again thank our
Secretary, Mary Rimington for her inspiring work. Mary never ceases to amaze with her energy and application and surely she must be getting old by now – she does have grey hair!
Finally thanks to all members for contributions great or small – not least our thanks to Treasurer Frank both for keeping our finances in good order and for his now famous afternoon teas.
Brian Pullen