Mordialloc Creek Catchment
Four Friends of Mordialloc Creek Catchment and two Council rangers attended a working bee Saturday 11th April planting the north-western perimeter of the Epsom Wetland with Water Ribbons for frog habitat, Swamp Goodenia groundcover and Swamp Melaleuca. A dead Murray River Short-necked Turtle was found with its head bitten possibly by a dog,domestic cat, feral cat or fox. Query raised about ensuring that tall shrubby vegetation being kept well back from wetland edges to reduce predation on birds and water creatures.
Bradshaw Bushland Reserve
Ecological burn was conducted, 31 March in the centre of the reserve without incident, to stimulate the germination of local native plants, some of which may not have been seen for many years. Railway fencing replacement will start soon.
Native Vegetation Clearing Regulations
Nina Springle, Greens MLC for SE Region, Victorian Greens Ellen Sandell ,environment portfolio, and Samantha Dunn, local Government portfolio will work together towards achieving better native vegetation protection.
Special Meeting on Public Transport Issues
Wednesday, 20 May , 7pm at Mordialloc Neighbourhood House, 457 Main Street , Mordialloc. Hosted by local environment groups, KCEC and KRA in association with Public Transport Not Traffic (STOP) Discussion will include government plans for level crossings in Kingston and how this may affect residents.
George Woods Reserve
A new kindergarten is being built in this Reserve plus a large playground on the Aboretum, a pleasant, grassed area with a variety of Australian trees. Unfortunately some of these trees have recently been cut down. The suitability of the site for a children’s playground has been raised with Council. It was pointed out that the playground will be concealed behind the kindergarten and the Scout Hall therefore not visible from the road whereas an existing small playground, the other side of the launching ramp car park, is visible from a busy road and close to toilets with ample room for a large playground to be constructed on this site. The new playground will require a new toilet and other facilities. .
Beaumaris Fossil Site and Sea Ledges
Dr Vicki Karalis reports that a revised version of Judy’s (MBCL) submission to the National Heritage Register with contributions by Dr Tim Flannery, Dr Stephen Fitzgerald and Dr John Buckeridge is being compiled. These gentlemen, plus Professor Michael Buxton, have met with members of the Andrew’s Government to acquaint them with the significance of the fossil site.
Green Wedge
Walter was a member of a group who met with Labor Member for Mordialloc, Tim Richardson. to discuss the importance of retaining the Green Wedge for food production, recreational activities and open space for an expanding population. The group included Jane Stubbs, leader Environment Victoria. The C143 Panel Hearing into the Green Wedge held recently included land owners seeking residential permits for residential development. Barry Ross, an experienced defender of the GW, spoke extremely well, “nailed them on every point!” It is felt that the GW , with a change of Government ,is safe for the moment.
Mordialloc Bypass
Walter has alerted Get Up, Environment Victoria and Tim Richardson,ALP of the Napthine Government’s pre-election support for yet another freeway to the Mornington Peninsula. Construction of this freeway would require an overpass over Governor Road, Waterways wetlands, Mordialloc Creek and in close proximity to residential development on the other side of the creek. The alternative to a freeway is to divert addition traffic to Springvale Road.
Bay Trail
Work has commenced at the northern, Charman Road end of the Bay Trail. Vegetation is being removed with gusto. It was disappointing that Stephen’s detailed measurements of the traffic lanes and gravel verge were not used at the Panel Hearing ,as evidence that additional seasonal parking which Council is kindly providing for the Mentone Lifesaving Club, is unnecessary. In fact, is in contradiction of Council’s Coastal Management Plan.
Mordialloc Life Saving Surf Club Development
Despite reassuring noises made when MBCL raised concerns about possible loss of mature vegetation in front of the new LSC building, our modest suggestion of realigning one of two wide lanes leading to the beach to protect vegetation, it was claimed that it was not possible. Wide lanes and vegetation removal is required for observation purposes. This despite the fact that this two storey building will be built on the highest point of the foreshore, a pleasant, sheltered , grassy sand dune popular with visitors as a sheltered picnic spot.