Letter: ENRC Inquiry into EES process in Victoria

Letter to:

Matthew Guy,
Minister of Planning,
Parliament House,
Spring Street,

Dear Minister,

As a long established conservation group we are very much aware of the impact large public work projects can have on the environment. We therefore support the recommendations that the Environment and Natural Resources Committee (ENRC) have produced to strengthen the EES process which at present is considered ineffective and easily politicized.

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Submission: Inquiry to EES Process in Victoria

Submission to:

Executive Officer
Environmental & Natural Resources Committee,
Parliament House,
Spring Street,
East Melbourne. VIC 3002

Dear Sir,

In responding to the invitation to make a submission to the Inquiry into the Environmental Effects Statement process in Victoria it is proposed to use as an example of a successful inquiry of an Environment Effects Statement – the Port Phillip Bay Channel Deepening Environmental Effects Statement 2004. The rigorous six weeks inquiry was conducted by an expert panel consisting of a skilled chairman and three members with years of scientific backgrounds and experience in marine and coastal management.

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