Mordialloc Beaumaris Conservation League – Minutes – 2nd July 1997

The Parks

Bradshaw Park Friends of Bradshaw Park were pleased to have 10 people participating in a working bee last month. David Bainbridge has re-located to the Grange Heathland.

Braeside Park will be holding an open day Sunday 10th August from 12 noon to 4pm. September 13th, 27th & October 11th 8am-11am with Robert Berry “Birds for Beginners”

Karkarook Park was finally officially opened 27-6-97 with a full complement of important people from councils, Melbourne Water and local politicians. Marie Tehan, Conservation Minister, said that the huge hole left after CSR completed sand mining would become a 14 hectare lake for non-powered boating. 8 hectares would become an artificial wetland to filter stormwater from the urban areas.

Kingston Conservation & Environment Coalition / Wetlands

Negotiations with the Haines family are continuing in an attempt to reach a satisfactory outcome for a series of wetlands along the north bank of Mordialloc Creek Haines wants residential development with a “lake” on the site.
A KCEC meeting was held at the Braeside Visitors centre to plan a promotional brochure for the wetlands project.

Mordialloc Creek / Dandenong Valley Catchment Action Committee

The next meeting of the DVCAC will be with a new committee under new management (CALP?) It is hoped to have MBCL/KCEC reps on the new committee in order that we are kept informed about continuing problems with water quality in Mordialloc Creek. Tip leachate and sewage overflows are of concern. At the 23-7-97 meeting, Graham Rooney Melbourne Water, gave a comprehensive report on water quality in the Catchment. Monitoring points will remain at Pillars Crossing and Wells Road below the bridge. Sampling will be on a monthly basis but it will take five years of sampling to determine a trend! At present nitrogen samples are still high in the creek. Solids are worse because of diversion of the DSWB. Phosphorous, copper, lead still high at Wells

Epsom Racecourse

There are strong indications that the complex will become residential development and that council will accept medium density housing with little provision for open space. MBCL and KCEC have asked council to ensure that public consultation takes place before development proceeds and that there is compliance with Vic Code 2 guidelines which specifies that provision must be made for open space in new developments.

Submissions! Reports! Seminars!!!

The League has made submissions to the EPA Draft Strategy “Zeroing in on Waste” and the EPA’s “Protecting Water Quality in Port Phillip Bay” Both these reports are available for perusal. MBCL was also represented at an Environmental Law Community Legal Education Workshop at Frankston 6th July. The seminar was organised by Environment Defenders Office. A plain English summary of the legislation is available also. Hailebury College VCE students used the Epsom racecourse development for their CATS and appealed to MBCL for comment & information. M.Hayler & M.Rimington were invited to speak to the students at the college about the environmental implications of the development. Finally it is important that residents study the City of Kingston’s Municipal Strategic Statement and make a submission (Due 29th September) Objectives for the foreshore should be closely examined.

We Cordially Invite All Members to come to the August AGM, have a cuppa and meet other MBCLers. We would like to hear about your concerns and Enthusiasms.

Mordialloc Beaumaris Conservation League Inc.

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