Mordialloc Beaumaris Conservation League – Minutes – 14th December 1988

President’s Report

A brief outline of the League’s activities was presented:- MBCL has links with the ACF, PPCC, Friends of Port Phillip Bay, the CCV and other Bayside conservation groups.
In addition to preparing the Coast and Creek booklet for printing, a number of submissions were written:-

  • Foreshore Strategy Plan
  • Coastal Management Plan
  • State Transport Authority Plan (concerning B-Doubles)
  • Victoria’s Air Policy-The Air Environment.
  • Issues on the Aquatic Environment.

Issues likely to arise in the future may include:-

  • Higher density housing-possibly high rise housing in some cases e.g. Patterson Lakes Marina development.
  • Commercial development on the foreshore e.g. restaurants, shops, etc


It was resolved that meetings of the League should be held quarterly in 1989 and to advise committee members accordingly. People willing to participate in letter writing, submission writing, help on the Mayor’s Community day or attend PPCC meetings as a delegate would be very much appreciated.

Booklet Launching

Mara volunteered to contact the local press to publicise the booklet which would be sold for $2.00 a copy ($2.50. if posted) Libraries and schools should also be contacted although there may be difficulty in arranging sales. Further discussion on this matter at a later date.

Mordialloc Beaumaris Conservation League Inc.