Mordialloc Beaumaris Conservation League – Minutes – 6th July 1993

Bradshaw Park

Council workers have repaired the broken fence and this may help to keep foxes out of the Park. The Friends intend to spend grant money on tools, hoses and best quality mulch.

Braeside Park

Still no reply to our letter to Hon. Mark Birrell re the proposed change to the freeway route through Braeside Park.
Staff have been cut. There are now no maintenance workers. Contract labour is being used.
The Friends of Braeside Park Newsletter development plan for the area.
reports the importance of a total

“…the water quality of the Braeside Wetlands depends on the water quality from the “Dingley drain”. After passing through Braeside Park, the water then enters the Mordialloc Creek.”

Dingley drain has carried leachates from a tip in the Springvale area.

Mordialloc Creek Leachate Problem

J.Com reports that their group has handed over their material to Nicola Seaman of PEAC. The League has asked PPCC to request an EES from the relevant authorities before further tips are established in the sand belt region with a high water table.
There is a need to create public awareness of this important issue. League members plan to contact the media at appropriate times to give maximum publicity to the contamination of groundwater and pollution of the streams and Bay.

Pedestrian Crossing Wells Road Bridge

The City Engineer, Mr Anthony Rijs reports that we should not expect to hear news of our proposal until after the Budget. He does however support the concept. of a safe pedestrian crossing on the Mordialloc side of the bridge.

Snapper Festival

Bay Rescue asked if the League would contact nurseries to see if they would be willing to present plant displays for the Festival. This has been done. D.Stebbings will contact her group to see if they would be prepared to have some input possibly by combining with the League.
MBCL will have the usual stall,minus plants, and concentrate on the leachate problem. Other ideas???
Friends of Bradshaw Park may also consider combining with the League to present a display.
Glen’s popular presentation on the Mayor’s Community Day would be a star attraction to our stall-if Glen is willing!

Mordialloc Creek Landscape Plans

The City Engineer has sent the League copies of the landscape plans and seeks our comments. We are fortunate in having this contact with Council which allows League members to have some input into plans for the foreshore and creek. Please make very effort to come to the August meeting and have your say on your foreshore.

Local Conservation Strategy Plan

Watch this space!!!

Mordialloc Beaumaris Conservation League Inc.

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