Mordialloc Beaumaris Conservation League – Minutes – 6th July 2011

Bay Trail

Cadel Evan’s victory in the Tour de France was fantastic to watch as riders climbed mountains and sprinted to the finish in spectacular French scenery. A team of Australian cyclists are hoping to compete in next year’s Tour de France and it is expected that Evans will take part in the Round the Bay competition in October. It is also reported that people were purchasing bikes and seeking safe training and recreational tracks inspired by Evan’s success. Although Lord Mayor Doyle claimed that Melbourne is a “true bicycle city” he seems to be describing the centre of Melbourne rather than the outer suburbs. Kingston lacks the completion of a safe off -road bike track unlike Bayside whose section of their off-road trail is soon to be completed. It is unfortunate that Cr Dundas ,in the Kingston Your City paper misleadingly described an off-road(back-of-kerb) bike track. His preference is to continue to use the narrow Mentone promenade for a shared bicycle/pedestrian unfortunately.With increased numbers of cyclists seeking to train, it is important to continue with the ban on parking on Beach Road between 6am and 10 am on Saturday and Sunday mornings to improve safety for the cyclists and reduce aggression shown by motorists towards training cyclists.A letter has been sent to Louise Asher, Liberal Member for Brighton, seeking her support for the completion of the Beach Road off-road bike trail.

Mordialloc Creek Advisory Committee 

MBCL been invited to be part of the advisory committee in meetings in November, March and July. Dredging has commenced behind and around Lambert’s Island in the creek. Next year dredging is to continue upstream to the Chute Street boat ramp.Sea Scouts do not want to be removed from their club on the island.


Bronwen , Anne and Darren continue with water quality monitoring of Mordialloc Creek at Bowen Road.

South East Green Wedge

Walter reported on a battle to retain Kingston’s green wedge as a Chain of Parks now under threat from the Baillieu government’s auditing of Melbournne’s green wedges with developers seeking to annexe land for high density development. Capital Golf course may become a golf course housing estate. Barry Ross, on behalf of the SEGW , has had wins at VCAT with large signs removed from the Anchor Marine site.

Inquiry into Greenfields Mineral Exploration and Project Development in Victoria

The State Government is conducting an inquiry into barriers against greenfields mineral exploration in Victoria. Exploration is taking place throughout Victoria including the Otways, Ninety Mile Beach, the Strezleckie Ranges, Red Gum Forests along the Murray irrespective of the importance of these areas for carbon sequestration and tourist value. Coal seam gas mining uses vast quantities of groundwater as well as polluting aquifers and rivers with waste water. MBCL has completed a submission. Copies are available for anyone is interested – or better still send in a submission – due 19th August.

Foreign Ownership of Agricultural Land and Water Rights

The sale of large acreages of fertile farmland and control of water rights threatens our food and water security. Countries around the world recognize that natural assets such as water and food producing land will be most valuable in coming decades so why is the federal government selling 252,000 ha to a Canadian company, Alberta? MBCL has sent a letter to Bill Shorten, Assistant Treasurer regarding this matter. The more letters sent the better.

Australia’s Network

Australia’s Network will be unable to fulfil its role in advancing the interests of Australia overseas if it is run by a commercial network. Murdoch has tendered for control of the Australian Broadcasting Network (ABC). A letter has been sent to our federal member, Mark Dreyfus after Friends of the ABC alerted us to this situation. They would welcome more letters to ensure the network remains in ABC hands.

Bradshaw Park

Park fence has been completed with steel coloured mesh attached to the existing fairly low fence. It may prevent rubbish from the highway blowing into the Reserve.

The Mentone and Mordialloc Village Committee were asked to decide whether the Reserve should become a dog free zone as suggested by Friends of Bradshaw Park. It has been claimed that dog faeces and urine affects indigenous plants. However this was discounted by Prof. Ugovich, and Mordialloc Village Committee decided to let Friends of Bradshaw Park make the final decision.

Climate Change and Biodiversity Reference Group

The final meeting will be held 24th August. A questionnaire has been sent to members asking for comments on the format of meetings, should this committee continue in its present form and a possible expansion of membership. It is important that the CCBRG continues with recommendations put to council to ensure that some action is taken.A widened membership may help spread important messages in the community.

Mordialloc Creek

Nina reports that a productive working bee on Saturday morning 2nd July planted Swamp Melaleucas, Hop Gardenias, Wallaby Grass, Common Tussock Grass. Pleasing to note that Cr Dan Maloney came to lend a hand!

Mordialloc Masonic Hall

Masonic Hall in a serious state of disrepair with steps and columns crumbling, litter dumped in the entrance and around the building. Is this building Heritage listed?

Surely it is worth repairing as some form of community centre and/or a venue for dance classes which are always short of a hall to rehearse.

Kingston Conservation and Environment Coalition

KCEC will meet next Wednesday 10th August at 7.30pm at Neighbourhood House. Several speakers will form a panel to discuss Kingston’s section of the Bike Trail.The Grange. Annual General Meeting at which Rob Jones spoke. Did he recite poetry like he used to? More orchids are being discovered. Unfortunately the smell from the tip is unpleasant.

Mordialloc Beaumaris Conservation League Inc.

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