Mordialloc Beaumaris Conservation League – Minutes – 5th June 2019

Mordialloc Creek Community Meeting

Travis reports on the number of plastic bottles found in the creek as well polystyrene which is a problem because it breaks into little pieces. Clare refers to a kit available to log rubbish and identify its source as it flows from drains into the creek and Bay

Dent’s Paddock

Clare reported that a developer wants to build 9 units on this site which will mean if the development proceeds only 20 trees will remain on the site where there are now approx 180 trees. The developer will need a permit to cut down 180 trees.

Greening Kingston

Greening Kingston with urban forests is one of Kingston Council’s policies. Unfortunately as more suburban houses and gardens are destroyed to make way for development trees are. A wonderful Eucalypt in Chelsea Heights growing in the nature strip is likely to be cut down because residents are afraid branches may fall although it is a healthy tree.

Banksia Boulevarde Beach Road Mordialloc

Still some indecision concerning what sort of tree to plant along Beach Road after the Bay Trail is completed. Vic Roads is not happy about Banksias and a small number of Beach Road residents noisily claim that they want views and not trees.

The Wild World in Your Backyard

An article in the gardening section of the Age June 6th by Megan Backhouse described the work of a volunteer group in Frankston – Gardens for Wildlife Victoria. The volunteers visit people’s gardens and advises them about indigenous plants that also attract birds and animals. Clare McPhee and a friend are members of this group and were mentioned in the Age article.

Water PFAS polyfluoroalkyl substances

The Hearing into the Mordialloc Freeway revealed that Dunlop Drain, one of six drains providing Mordialloc Creek with its major water supply contained PFAS. PFAS is used for fire fighting and has been the cause of cancer in a number of fire-fighters at Fiskville as well as contaminating surrounding land and water supplies. (Age 23 June 2019) Since Mordialloc Creek is a popular spot for fishermen it might be advisable to test some of the fish caught to see if they are contaminated with PEAS. Enquiries have revealed that Dunlop’s Drain is to be cleaned out “perhaps in July“.

Neighbourhood Character Study

Council meetings have been organised to inform residents about the amount of development likely to occur in their neighbourhood in order to accommodate an expected increase in population. Activity centres will be targeted with 2-3 storey blocks of units. Sadly liveable, single storey housing, close to transport, schools, health facilities and shops is being bought and demolished by developers. It is assumed by planners that residents seeking to down size, will move into these characterless blocks of units because they will still be living in their neighbourhood. However articles in the AGE (23 June 2019) reveal that shoddy workmanship in blocks of city units is causing immense problems and costs for owners. Another Age article reports on how Wild parties hurting apartment towers.” (23 June 2019, Age) Already it is reported that “at present apartment building has slowed as commuters and councillors reject high density living.” according to the Planning Minister. Mr Wynne, (8 June 2019, Age)

Climate Change

Rising as are threatening low-lying parts of Melbourne causing trending and erosion including Mordialloc, Seaford and Frankson. (Age 23 June 2019.) Beaches in Port Phillip Bay between Mordialloc and Frankston on get a special mention. “Climate change will also put pressure on ageing coastal infrastructure and ultimately impact on the feasibility of living in or developing some coastal locations.” (Age 23 June) The Neighbourhood Character Study suggests an LSIO designation for certain low-lying areas under consideration for and development. Perhaps there should be a provisio of “no development of any building on the foreshore because currently general insurance does not cover damage from coastal inundation and erosion events even if the resident could afford to pay for the insurance.” (23-6-2019)

Edithvale and Bonbeach Level Crossing Removals

Edithvale and Bonbeach Level Crossing Removals threaten the remnant Coastal Banksia Woodland on the Bonbeach foreshore, in particular the last remnant giant pre-settlement banksia and requires removal of an estimated 2.. ha of remnant banksias along the rail corridor. The trenches now have!!govemment approval, but submissions from KRA president Trevor Shewan ,Friends of Edithvale-Seaford Wetlands and expert witnesses engaged by Council, enabled the EES inquiry committee to recognise uncertainties with the groundwater modelling and mitigation strategies. Hence the committee recommended further study before the trench goes ahead. (Thanks to the KRA newsletter for this info)

Threats to the Wetlands

The Edithvale and Bonbeach Level Crossing Removals and the Mordialloc Freeway were both subject to Environmental Effects Statements because of the risks they pose to the Ramsar listed Edithvale wetlands and the 44 migratory & endangered bird species. The Waterways residential development wetlands also have an international listing because of being an example of how wetlands can be used to restore degraded land.

Local Council Representation Review

Local Council Representation Review will be the next document for residents to ponder over. This is to decide whether people are happy with the three-ward, three councillors in each ward arrangement or would like to try some other arrangement. Quite possibly there are benefits and disadvantages in each one.

Mordialloc Beaumaris Conservation League Inc.

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