Mordialloc Beaumaris Conservation League – Minutes – 4th June 2008

Forthcoming Events

Naming ceremony for Yammerbook will be held Saturday morning July 5th. Sonia Murray, Bunurong Land Council has congratulated Nina on her efforts and will provide BLC people to do a welcoming ceremony. Crs Nixon, Ronke & Petchey plan to attend. It would be good to attend to give Nina support and credit where credit is due.Incidentally it was the former Kingston councillor, Johanna van Klaveren, who initiated moves to restore a piece of degraded Melbourne Water land.

Cr Rosemary West will be speaking at the UAW (Union of Australian Women) meeting Saturday 21st June 2pm at Mordialloc Neighbourhood House. Topic: Green Wedge issues. $5 and Afternoon Tea.

Westwood Ho

For Penny, Nina and Brian who are jetting off to the UK and the EU for two months. We wish them well as they visit family and friends or explore new territory.

MBCL Web Site

The last attempt at informing members of the web site was a dismal failure. After consultation with the Web Mistress here is another attempt vvww, 1 Good Luck!

Channel Deepening

Most people will now be aware that dredging the Yarra River has commenced and that toxic contaminants are being dumped in the bund in the Bay. POMC claims that environment guidelines are being met, however the impact contaminants on marine life & humans may not emerge until some years down the track. Remember asbestos ? It is reported that many people are yet to fall ill from asbestos disease. (Age 13 June)


At last! MBCL volunteers have been introduced to the mysteries of water quality testing. Melanie met with the team June 11 to test Mordialloc Creek water near Bowen Road. Unable to do two tests because of incorrect equipment but found dissolved oxygen excellent and PL normal.

Dredging Mordialloc Creek

Secrecy surrounds plans to dredge the creek to provide watercraft access upstream from the railway bridge. NRA team is as much in the dark as MBCL despite our long term involvement with the creek and environs. While Living Links work on the south bank of the creek is supported removal of the small island refuge opposite the Chute Street       boat ramp will impact on abundant wildlife habitat.Pink survey markers have been observed along both sides of the creek between Wells Road bridge and the pedestrian bridge near Chute Street. Consultant to cost $80,000 according to the Independent paper.

Tree Removal George Woods Reserve

A sheoak growing out of a eucalypt was reported at our last meeting. Examination by a tree audit firm recommended that the tree should be cut down. It is Council policy to undertake an annual audit of trees to determine their health however it is concerning that aborists seem so often to recommend removal of what appear to be healthy trees e.g Monterey Cypress in Attenborough Park and on the Pompei site.We recommend that a Red Gum be planted to replace the Tasmanian Eucalypt promptly.

Deceased Eeels

Reported sighting of 15 dead eels in Heatherton Drain between Doug Denyer and Kevin Hayes Reserves . Their deaths may be due to pollution but the EPA newsletter reports hundreds of eel deaths in rivers and the Bay 2007/2008.

Leisure Cycling Walking Plan for Kingston

Draft policy out for comment reveal that priority is being given yet again to a shared cycle walking track despite the fact that our surveys for the Bay Trail clearly showed that pedestrians didn’t want to have to compete with cyclists on a shared track. Federal and State Governments are encouraging cycling for public health, environmental and economic reasons therefore we believe that council should be concentrating on providing safe commuter routes throughout the city to connect with public transport wherever possible.Johanna’s submission provides an excellent coverage of the issue. It can be found on MBCL web site. Walter has walked the proposed Mordialloc Creek south levee bank bike trail and submitted a plan of the route to Council.Very much appreciated, WG!

530 Main Street, Mordialloc – The NQR (Pace) Site

There have been four meetings about the over development of this site. Traffic is a major issue with 1250 per day extra vehicles generated in an already heavily trafficked area as a result of the Aldi store. Council Planner and Ward councillor attended the meeting.Objectors felt that engaging an independent traffic consultant rather the council traffic person or the developer’s paid consultant would be important and requested that this be done.

Parks Report

Working bee found a frog at the Grange. Correction! A camera was not placed IN the possum’s nest but on a pole outside.A family and two new members have joined the Grange.

Mentone Station Friends Group won a Commendation from Keeping Australia Beautiful for their work on the station garden.

Nina presented a copy of an information sheet to be used on a notice board at Yammerbook.

9 Banksias have been poisoned on Bonbeach foreshore. A large sign is to be placed at the site of the vandalism. Signs are also to be placed on Mordialloc foreshore near the lifesaving club scene of 21 vandalised trees Christmas 2007.

Meetings Attended

Wal found the guided tour of the Eastern Treatment Plant 15th June informative. MBCL rep. attended the Parliamentary Committee for Finance and Public Administration 5th June. Fascinating to find that the Victorian farmers Federation Rep Simon Ramsay and CEO of Horticultural Exporters complaining bitterly about the costs and levees which POMC demand of even small exporters. VFF exporters are affected by the drought and the horticultural exporter only has small volumes to export and claims that “bigger ships will be of no benefit to their organization” Stephen Bradford looked embarrassed and said he would see if ‘something could be arranged’! The Commttees report will be available in Hansard.

Elections Coming Up

Council elections due in November will be very different this year with only three wards but nine councillors – three in each ward. It would be great to find people who understood the implications of climate change on coastal communities and were prepared to stand.

Mordialloc Beaumaris Conservation League Inc.

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